So what is the true cost to setting up an aquarium? Obviously no-one can accurately answer this, how long is a piece of string? BUT let’s make some assumptions and try and put a number (roughly) on how much a fish tank could set you back.
We are going to assume that we own absolutely nothing required for starting the tank.
We are going to assume we have a place to put the fish tank already so won’t require a stand.
We want a community tank that is lightly planted with real plants.
So now we have these assumptions out of the way let’s first break down a list of all the required products we’ll need. We can then go through and look at some of the most important and big costs for starting an aquarium and how we can save some money. You’ve been warned.. Aquariums and fish keeping is not cheap!
Disclaimer: some of these prices are based on my own experience and you will find varying degrees of prices out there.
Tank ($150-200) - 20 gallons is about as small as you’ll want to go for your first tank
Leveling Mat (free) - typically included with the tank
Hood (free - $10) - depends on the temperature and humidity of where you live. You may need a condensation lid.
Filter ($35) - a simple hang on the back filter will work really well in a basic setup.
Light ($65) - lights aren’t cheap but it’s worth getting a good one so that your plants grow well and that you can see your fish properly
Heater ($30)
Substrate ($10-20) - if your focus is on plants then you should spend a bit more here
Test Strips ($12)
Thermometer ($8)
Algae Scrubber / Net ($15)
Food ($10)
Siphon ($8)
Decorations ($50) - both rocks and wood
Additives ($15-20) water conditioner and starter bacteria
Plants ($30) - 6 plants at 5 dollars each should be enough to get started with a lightly planted tank
6 neon tetras ($18) - prices from
6 harlequin rasboras ($24) - prices from
4 corydoras ($20) - prices from
Bucket ($4) - trust me you’ll need one
Background (free - $10) - you can paint a background on if you want to save money
That comes to a whopping (worst case) grand total of $589!! Eye watering isn’t it. And this is just for a fairly basic aquarium.
Tips: You can see however that a large chunk of that money goes on just the tank and light.
Keep an eye out at your LFS (local fish store) to see if they have any deals on tank kits (an aquarium with filter, heater and light included) . You can often save a lot of money by just being patient (but let’s be honest with ourselves no-one can ever wait that long). And the same goes for the decorations if you can source your own rocks and wood from nature then go for it, just make sure they’re thoroughly washed, cleaned and sterilised before you use them in your own miniature habitat.
I don’t want this to put you off purchasing your first aquarium but it’s important to understand what you’re getting yourself in for. The best way to make this hobby affordable is to be resourceful, speak to friends and family and see what you can make do with until you can afford that big upgrade to your dream tank.